Commercial Roofers Are Not Created Equally

So you think all commercial roofers are created exactly the same, do you? That is simply not the case! Purchasing a brand new roofing system is a big investment and you do not want to hire a sketchy company to install a less than adequate roof on your place of business. The contractors might be a fly by night type of operation that is here today and gone tomorrow. As well, they might put a cheap roof on your building that comes with an even cheaper (or perhaps basically useless) warranty or no warranty at all. Check more at

As you research companies for this purpose you need to maintain a healthy level of skepticism about the ones that offer you the lowest bids. Before you invest any of your cash you need to be sure that you have found the most qualified and honest roofing contractors. To do this you need to spend some time evaluating and assessing each contractor that interests you.

To find suitable commercial roofers you need to look for stability of the company in question. You want to know that they have a permanent fixed address for their business and that they have a telephone number where they can be reached. Call the number and see whether a real live person answers or whether you are answered by a voicemail message encouraging you to leave a message of your own.

If they have a website- and most commercial roofers these days do- then take a close look at it. In particular look to see if anywhere in the site it mentions how long they have been in business. You also want to see if they have a "Contact Us" page listed. On this page should be listed their permanent address, phone number and e-mail address.

You also want to look closely to see if there are any press releases on the website that mention any type of recent activity. Some companies do not update their sites very often while others are more active and more up-to-date in doing so.

Do not feel that you are being too nosy or too imposing when you ask a contractor or the commercial roofers for proof of insurance. This is a vital piece of information for you to have! What you need to ask about in particular if you have never done this before is workers' compensation certificates as well as liability coverage.

Please note that you should not just ASK the contractor if he has insurance but ask to physically SEE proof of it with your own eyes! You want to be assured that the coverage will not run out while your project is in effect. If you hire a roofing business that is not properly insured and does not carry the right amount of insurance then if any accidents or injuries take place on your property, you will be held liable.


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